What We offer?

Online Marketing Services Proven to Increase Leads, Sales & Revenue
Java Development

Java Application Development

JKConsultant provide custom Java application development of native and cross-platform apps for desktop and mobile devices, as well as firmware, cloud apps, and embedded applets. Additional Java-powered software solutions include modernization, framework customization, legacy migration, QA, reengineering, and performance tuning. We develop custom software using Java’s dependable design environments (NetBeans, Intellij, Eclipse) and robust libraries (Spring, JUnit, Spring boot).


Enterprise Web App Development

Our expertise in large-scale enterprise app development combined with our business acumen and dedication to perfecting our craft makes us TRUE LEADERS in enterprise web app development.


Application Support and Modernization

We support and maintain your Java applications, Java frameworks and extensions, libraries, data-processing platforms, IDEs, and databases. We provide application support and modernization services to ensure that your application is working at optimal conditions. We curb operational costs, minimize redundancy and complexity, and boost quality through seamless external integrations


Java Web App Development

We use Java, integrated with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, to create high-performance web applications, static & dynamic websites, content management systems, and server/client portals. We build dynamic web content with responsive UI and configurable themes using Java Servlets, JavaServer Pages, and JavaServer Faces, in addition to APIs for automated messaging, XML processing, and optimized database communication.
